The STANYS-supported New York State Science Honor Society is the first statewide science honor society. It was established in 1991 and is endorsed by both the New York State Science Supervisors Association (NYSSA) and the New York State Assembly.
Its purpose is to encourage interest in and understanding science and science-related careers and to recognize high school students’ academic achievements in science.

Members are enthusiastic about science, engage in science-related activities, demonstrate achievement in science learning and have a strong personal character.

NYSSHS Background/Guiding documents

Legislative Resolution to commemorate the induction of 1992.
Constitution – NYSSHS constitution & By-Laws

NYSSHS Chapter Membership Information & Forms

NEW: Middle School Chapters can join the Science Honor Society this year science tubes. You can now use the informational pages and forms (the criteria and paperwork) to create a MS Chapter.

Criteria for selecting Chapter Members

It is founded on science scholarship, service, personal character, and first and foremost, scientific scholarship.
Candidates must have completed at least three semesters of high school/college-level science.

If a Ninth-grader has completed a Regents or accelerated 8th-grade science course, they may be eligible.
Candidates must have a science minimum of 85% or better.
Minimum scholastic average must be 75% or higher.
Two faculty recommendations must be submitted by candidates, one must be from the science section.
Candidates must be interested in technology or science and have participated in it.

Computer Science Honor Society

CSTA is proud to raise Code VA’s Computer Science Honor Society to the national level. We are thrilled to offer high school teachers across the United States an opportunity to create local societies that foster thriving turbocharging technology environments for students to excel in computing courses. The CSTA program fosters secondary students’ interest in computer science and honors academic excellence. It also encourages service.

See also  What is "Occupational Science" & Occupational Therapy?

DePauw University Computer Science Department Honor Society recognizes computer scientists who have excelled in their coursework.

Honor society members will be chosen solely on academic performance. Students must be in junior or senior standing and have completed at least five computer science courses that count towards the computer science major.

DePauw University Awards Convocation is an annual event that recognizes honor society members. It takes place each spring. In recognition of academic excellence, the department gives honors chords to senior members of honor societies.