Highland School of Technology

Highland School of Technology ranks eighth in North Carolina. Advanced Placement (r) courses and exams are available to students. Highland School of Technology has a 69% participation rate in AP(r). The 31% total minority enrollment at Highland School of Technology is 24%, and 24% are economically disadvantaged. Highland School of Technology, one of the 13 Gaston County Schools high schools, is located in Gaston County Schools.

Highland School of Technology 2021 Rankings

The National Rankings rank Highland School of Technology at number 1. Rankings are determined by how schools perform on state-required exams, their graduation rates, and how well they prepare students to go to college. Learn more about our ranking of the Best High Schools.

Ranking Factors

Highland School of Technology was ranked nationally and statewide among 17,857 schools nationally ranked and 539 North Carolina schools ranked.

  • Highland School of Technology Students/Teachers
  • These data are based on information provided by turbocharging technology schools to the government.

Total Economically Disadvantaged

This is a measure for student poverty. It shows the percentage of students who receive free or reduced-price lunches.

Reduced-Price Lunch Program

This is the percentage of students who are eligible to take part in the Reduced Price Lunch Program under the National School Lunch Act.

Highland School Of Technology has 554 Students in Grades 9-12.

  • Highland School Of Technology was ranked in the top 50% for overall test scores in North Carolina (math proficiency is at the bottom 50% and reading proficiency at the top 1%) for the 2017-18 school year.
  • For the 2017-18 school year, the percentage of math proficiency achieved by students is less than the North Carolina average of 48%). For the 2017-18 school year, the percentage of students who are proficient in reading/language arts is greater than the North Carolina average of 47%).
  • The ratio of student to teacher is 14:1 which is lower than that of the North Carolina state of 15:1.
  • The 29% minority enrollment in the student body is less than the 52% state average (majority Black) in North Carolina.
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2019-20 Student Performance

This section discusses student performance in different test subjects. Students’ test performance is reported at one of five achievement levels. Levels 1 and 2, are below grade level. Level 3 is proficient at grade level. Levels 4 through 5 signify that students are ready for college and career. Students’ math test results are reported at one of the four achievement levels. A student is not proficient if they are below grade level. Level 3 indicates proficiency at grade level. Levels 4 through 5 indicate that students are ready for college and career.