Sat “Argos” great for remote sites

Power supply for smaller antennas at low orbit is possible

This Service argos certified PTT satellite transmitter can be used for remote data collection. Two of NASA’s polar orbiting satellites are used by Service argos computer data transmitters. The satellites’ low orbital altitude, of approximately 800 km, allows for smaller antennas and more efficient power supplies. Each satellite orbits for approximately one hour and 47 minutes, providing hourly data transmissions at extreme northern or southern latitudes. Although six satellite passes occur daily at nazeebo build the Equator, they are not evenly distributed. Each data transmission can contain up to 32 bytes (16 points). The user must decode the data or Service argos can do so for $7.50 per station.

The SAT ARGOS PTT can support up to four argos ID numbers. A simple computer-based interface allows for the modification of message repeat intervals, Argos ID number, and duty cycles. The CS port supplies all power and I/O connections for the transmitter via the standard SC12 ribbon cables. The transmitter draws less that 2 mA of continuous average current drain. SAT ARGOS will support the CR10X operating software (instruction 125), which is for CR23X and CR510 Argos applications.

Introduction Argos

To correct both 8.4 m “eyes” of the Large Binocular the supers Telescope’s Large Binocular Telescope, the Advanced Rayleigh guided Ground Layer adaptive Optics System has been used. The GLAO technique corrects the atmospheric-induced optical distortions in large fields of view and enhances the image quality uniformly. Argos computer uses two constellations made up of multiple guide stars. These guide stars are artificially generated above the LBT using Rayleigh backscattering with high-power pulsed, green lasers. Figure 1 shows the propagation of the argos computer binocular beams to the sky. The correction uses range-gated wavefront sensing systems to detect laser beacons and adaptive secondary mirrors from the LBT to produce an improved point spread function (PSF). This is useful for imaging and spectroscopic observation. GLAO offers many benefits for improving image quality. The spatial resolution can be used to gain insight into the structure of objects. Sharpening an image can also improve the signal-to noise ratio (S/N), which is a key benefit of spectroscopy. The required integration time to achieve a given S/N is inversely proportional with the square of PSF diameter. This allows for observations to be completed in much less time.

  • Binocular observations using two 8.4m telescopes from LBT simultaneously;
  • GLAO correction using a 0.2’’-0.3” resolution and a 4×4 arcmin field view at both telescopes
  • This full field has a fairly homogeneous PSF (see Sect. 3);
  • Large 2 x 3 arcmin area for tilt star selection
  • NIR imaging of the entire field at the GLAO spatial resolution
  • GLAO corrected NIR multiobject spectroscopy using custom cut slits masks and high spectral rĂ©solution
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