2020-2021 “ACS Central Science” Impact Score

The 2020 impact score (IS), ACS Central Science, is 11.15. It is calculated in 2021 according to its definition. The ACS Central Science IS has increased by a factor 0.87. This is an approximate percentage change of 8.46% compared to the preceding year 2019. This shows a rising trend. An academic journal’s impact score (also known as Journal impact score or JIS) is a measure that measures the average number of citations for recent articles published in that journal. Scopus data is used to calculate it.

About ACS Central Science

ACS Central Science is a journal covering the technologies/fields/categories related to Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q1); Chemistry (miscellaneous) (Q1). American Chemical Society publishes it. The overall rank for ACS Central Science stands at 303. This journal is ranked 4.893 according to SCImago Journal Rank. SCImago Journal Rank (SJR) is an indicator that measures the scientific impact of journals. It measures the journal’s citation count and the importance of journals that receive these citations.

ACS Central Science hindex

ACS Central Science has an h index of 76. This means that 76 articles in this journal have more citations than 76. The h-index highland school of technology measures the productivity and impact of publications. The h-index refers to the highest value of h that a journal/author has published that has been cited at least one hundred times.

ACS Central Science ISSN

The ISSN for ACS Central Science, 23747951, 23747943 is ISSN stands as International Standard Serial Number.

An ISSN is an 8-digit unique code. It’s used to identify journals science honor society, periodicals, magazines, and newspapers in any form, electronic or print-media.

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ACS Central Science Rank, and SCImago Journal Rank(SJR).
The overall rank for ACS Central Science stands at 303. This journal is ranked 4.893 according to SCImago Journal Rank. SCImago Journal Rank (SJR) is an indicator that measures the scientific impact of journals. It measures the journal’s citation count and the importance of journals that receive these citations.

ACS Central Science Publisher

American Chemical Society publishes ACS Central Science. The United States is the publishing house. This journal has a 2015-2020 coverage history. Publisher is the name given to an individual or organization that manages digital or printed publications printing and distribution.

Acceptance Rate

Many factors affect the acceptance rate of academic journals/conferences. Below are some of the most important parameters.
The demand or interest of researchers/scientists in publishing in a specific Journal/Conference.
Peer review complexity and timeline.
A mix of invited and unsolicited submissions.
It takes between manuscript submission and final publication.
There are many more.